Abu Bakar Ibn Abi Maryam meriwayatkan bahawa beliau mendengar Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda "Akan tiba suatu zaman di mana tiada apa yang bernilai dan boleh digunakan oleh umat manusia. Maka simpanlah dinar dan dirham." Musnad Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal


Sunday, 18 December 2011

2011 19-23 Gold Silver Analysis

Monex spot gold prices opened the week at $1,675 . . . traded as high as $1,677 on Tuesday and as low as $1,560 on Thursday . . . and the Monex AM settlement price on Friday was $1,594, down $81 for the week.  Gold support is now anticipated at $1,576, then $1,535, and then $1,465 . . . with resistance anticipated at $1,617, then $1,658, and then $1,727.

Monex spot silver prices opened the week at $31.10 . . . traded as high as $31.93 on Tuesday and as low as $28.45 on Tuesday . . . and the Monex AM settlement price on Friday was $29.50, down $1.60 for the week.  Silver support is now anticipated at $29.27, then $28.50, and then $27.78 . . . and resistance anticipated at $29.85, then $30.90, and then $31.48.